pp108 : Invoking a Business Process

Invoking a Business Process

This topic describes the procedure to Invoke the Business Process action.

Invoke a Business Process as an action if the provided business objectives for the KPI are achieved. The Invoke Business Process action enables you to trigger a process using a rule.

  1. On the Actions page, under the Action Properties section, on the Invoke Business Process tab, click  next to the Process text box.
  2. In the Select Process dialog box that appears, select the required process from the displayed available processes.
    Note: Selecting the process is mandatory. The Business Process is selected.
  3. The sample message content is provided if the process model starts with a Message. Ensure to provide the appropriate values for the elements, to be considered for the process model, as an input as shown in the sample below:

    Note:  If the Business Process Model (BPM) expects a message as an input, it is provided by reading the BPM. The KPI response can be sent as an input to the BPM as displayed for the orderqty element in the sample above.

  4. Click the Call Web Service Operation tab under the Action Properties to define the Call Web Service Operation action. The Call Web Service Operation tab appears in the entry mode.
    The Invoke Business Process action is defined.

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Related reference

Defining Action Elements